The Button
component is a fundamental UI element designed for interactions, offering a variety of styles, sizes, and colors to accommodate different use cases within an application.
Additionally, a "ButtonGroup" is provided to layout multiple buttons in a cohesive unit, enhancing the visual consistency and usability of grouped actions.
Quick Start
To start using the Button
component, import it from the reablocks
Basic Usage
The Button component supports several variants including "filled", "outline", and "text", allowing for flexibility in design and application:
variants: {
filled: "bg-gray-800 text-white hover:bg-gray-700 border-gray-800",
outline: "bg-opacity-0 border-grey border",
text: "bg-opacity-0 border-0"
Advanced Customization
Sizes and Colors
Buttons can be customized further with size and color variations, providing a wide range of styling options to match your UI design:
Theme customization can be used to define the size variations for different button sizes:
sizes: {
small: 'text-sm px-2 py-1 leading-[normal]',
medium: 'text-base px-4 py-2 leading-[normal]',
large: 'text-xl px-5 py-2.5 leading-[normal]'
iconSizes: {
small: 'p-1',
medium: 'p-2',
large: 'p-2.5'
Theme customization can be used to define the color variations for different button types. This includes extending the default colors with custom colors:
colors: {
default: {
filled: 'bg-gray-800 hover:bg-gray-700 border-gray-800',
outline: 'border-secondary border',
text: 'text-surface-content'
primary: {
'bg-primary hover:bg-primary-hover border-primary text-surface-content',
outline: 'border border-primary',
text: 'text-primary hover:text-primary-hover'
secondary: {
'bg-secondary hover:bg-secondary-hover border-secondary text-surface-content',
outline: 'border border-secondary',
text: 'text-secondary hover:text-secondary-hover'
success: {
'bg-success hover:bg-success-hover border-success text-surface-content',
outline: 'border border-success',
text: 'text-success hover:text-success-hover'
warning: {
'bg-warning hover:bg-warning-hover border-warning text-surface-content',
outline: 'border border-warning',
text: 'text-warning hover:text-warning-hover'
error: {
filled: 'bg-error hover:bg-error-hover border-error text-surface-content',
outline: 'border border-error',
text: 'text-error hover:text-error-hover'
// custom color e.g. pink
pink: {
filled: 'bg-pink-500 hover:bg-pink-500-hover border-pink-500 text-surface-content',
outline: 'border border-pink-500',
text: 'text-pink-500 hover:text-pink-500-hover'
Buttons with Icon
Incorporating icons with text can enhance button functionality and user understanding:
Theme customization can be used to define the icon size and padding for different button sizes:
adornment: {
base: "flex",
start: "pr-1",
end: "pl-1",
sizes: {
small: "[&>svg]:w-3 [&>svg]:h-3",
medium: "[&>svg]:w-4 [&>svg]:h-4",
large" "[&>svg]:w-5 [&>svg]:h-5"
Group of Buttons
The ButtonGroup component allows for organizing multiple buttons together, which is particularly useful for related actions:
This component is used in the following Blocks:
Theme Customization
The Button component comes with a default theme that can be customized for consistency with your application's design language:
- root{}(9 keys)
- Show all
Learn more about how to customize in the Theme documentation.
Customize the Button
and ButtonGroup
components through the following properties:
Prop | Description | Default |
color | Color variation of the button.string | default |
variant | Style variant of the button.string | filled |
size | The size variation of the button.string | medium |
fullWidth | If true, the button will take up the full width of its container.boolean | |
disableMargins | If true, the margins of the button will be disabled.boolean | |
disablePadding | If true, the padding of the button will be disabled.boolean | |
disableAnimation | If true, the animation of the button will be disabled.boolean | |
startAdornment | Element to display before the Button content.any | |
endAdornment | Element to display after the Button content.any | |
theme | Theme for the Button.ButtonTheme | |
ref | The ref to the button element.LegacyRef<HTMLButtonElement> |
Prop | Description | Default |
children * | The Buttons to display in the group.any | |
className | Additional CSS classes to apply to the Button groupstring | |
variant | Style variant of the buttons."filled" | "outline" | "text" | |
size | The size variation of the buttons."small" | "medium" | "large" |
Design and Usability Tips
- Focus Indicators: Maintain visible focus indicators for keyboard navigation, aiding in accessibility and indicating the current interactive element to users.
- Efficient Space Use: Optimize button sizes and padding to use space efficiently while ensuring touch targets meet accessibility standards (minimum 44x44 pixels).