πŸ—οΈ ⏐ Components
Inline Input

Inline Input

The Inline Input component is tailored for inline editing scenarios, offering a fluid and responsive input field that expands in response to user input. This component is ideally suited for applications requiring seamless inline text modifications without the cumbersome overhead of traditional form inputs.


Basic Usage

This example demonstrates the Inline Input in action, providing a user-friendly editing experience within a bordered container. The input field automatically adjusts its size as the user types, accommodating the entered text while maintaining a compact UI footprint:


Configure the Inline Input component to fit your specific inline editing needs with these properties:

classNameAdditional className for the input container
extraWidthAdditional width for input element
string | number
inputClassNameAdditional className for the input element
themeTheme for the InlineInput.
refReference to the input element.

Design and Usability Tips

  • Responsive Behavior: Test the Inline Input component across various device sizes and screen resolutions to guarantee a consistent and usable experience. Inline editing elements should remain functional and visually coherent even on smaller screens, where space is at a premium.