The Select component enhances user interaction by allowing the selection of a value or multiple values from a list of options. It's designed with flexibility in mind, supporting a wide range of features such as:
- Single Select
- Multi Select
- Flexible customization of the components
- Tagging / Creation of options
- Filtering with Fuzzy Search via fuse.js (opens in a new tab)
- Highlighting of selected options
- Async Support
- Groups Support
- Animation
Basic Usage
Single Select
A straightforward implementation for choosing a single option from a dropdown list:
- Custom Label
- Create value if not available
- Values with sections
- State: Error
- State: Full Width
- Remote Fetch on Load
- Async Filtering
Allows users to select multiple options, ideal for filtering mechanisms or gathering multiple interests/preferences.
Theme Customization
The Select component adheres to a comprehensive theme, ensuring it seamlessly integrates into any application's design:
- root{}(2 keys)
- Show all
Learn more about how to customize in the Theme documentation.
Configure the Select component to suit your application's needs with these properties:
Prop | Description | Default |
id | The id of the select.string | |
name | The form name of the select.string | |
style | Additional CSS style attributes to apply to the select.CSSProperties | |
className | Additional class names to apply to the select.string | |
containerClassName | Additional class names to apply to the select container.string | |
activeClassName | Additional class names to apply to the select when the
menu is openstring | |
disabled | Set the select to disabled state.boolean | |
autoFocus | Auto focus the select on render.boolean | |
closeOnSelect | Close the select after you select an option.boolean | true |
value | The value of the select.string | string[] | |
defaultFilterValue | The deafult value of the input filter.string | |
required | Whether the select is required or not.boolean | |
multiple | Whether the select is multi or single select.boolean | |
placeholder | Default placeholder text.string | |
filterable | Whether you can filter the select options.boolean | "async" | true |
clearable | Whether you can clear the select after selection.boolean | true |
tabToSelect | Whether you can use the Tab key to select the current active option.boolean | |
loading | Whether the select is in loading state or not.boolean | |
refreshable | Whether you can refresh the async values or not.boolean | false |
createable | Whether you can create new options or not.boolean | |
selectOnPaste | Select options when paste text inside input.boolean | |
selectOnKeys | The list of KeyCodes for creating select values.
The default is ['Enter']
Typical options would be: ['Enter', 'Tab', 'Space', 'Comma']string[] | ['Enter'] |
children | The options of the select.any | |
error | Whether the select has an error state or not.boolean | |
menuPlacement | The placement options for the menu.Placement | bottom-start |
menuDisabled | Whether the menu is disabled or not.boolean | false |
size | The size of the select.string | medium |
onInputKeydown | When the input receives a key down event.(event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | |
onInputKeyUp | When the input receives a key up event.(event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | |
onFocus | When the select was focused.(event: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement, Element> | MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) => void | |
onBlur | When the select was blurred.(event: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement, Element>) => void | |
onInputChange | When the select input value changed.(event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | |
onRefresh | When the user manually refreshed the options.() => void | |
onChange | When the value changes.(value: any) => void | |
onOptionsChange | When a new option is added or removed.(options: SelectOptionProps[]) => void | |
input | Input override component.ReactElement<SelectInputProps, FC<SelectInputProps>> | <SelectInput /> |
menu | Menu component override.ReactElement<SelectMenuProps, FC<SelectMenuProps>> | <SelectMenu /> |
searchOptions | The options for the Fuse.js search algorithm.IFuseOptions<SelectOptionProps> | |
onOpenMenu | When menu is opened() => void | |
onCloseMenu | When menu is closed() => void |
Prop | Description | Default |
value * | Value of the option. Usually a string value.any | |
children | Default label of the option.ReactNode | |
inputLabel | Custom input label.ReactNode | |
group | Optional group for the option.string | |
menuLabel | Optional menu label.ReactNode | |
inputPrefix | Optional input prefix.ReactNode | |
selected | Whether the option is selected.boolean | |
disabled | Whether the option is disabled.boolean |
Prop | Description | Default |
id | The id of the select.string | |
options | Options passed to the select.SelectOptionProps[] | |
selectedOption | The selected option(s).SelectOptionProps | SelectOptionProps[] | |
style | Additional CSS styles to apply to the select menu.CSSProperties | |
disabled | Whether the menu is disabled or not.boolean | |
groups | The groups of options.GroupOptions | |
createable | Whether users can create options or not.boolean | |
className | Additional class names to apply to the select menu.string | |
multiple | Whether the menu can select multiples or not.boolean | |
index | Internal active index of the keyboard position.number | |
inputSearchText | The input's search text to use for highlighting.string | |
filterable | Whether users can filter the options or not.boolean | "async" | |
loading | Whether the component is loading or not.boolean | |
size | The size of the select menu.string | |
checkIcon | Icon displayed for checked elements of the listany | |
onSelectedChange | Event fired when the selected option(s) change.(option: SelectValue) => void | |
theme | The theme for the Select.SelectTheme |
Prop | Description | Default |
id | The id of the select input.string | |
name | The name of the select input.string | |
required | If true, the select input is required.boolean | |
options | The options for the select input.SelectOptionProps[] | |
disabled | If true, the select input is disabled.boolean | |
menuOpen | If true, the select input menu is open.boolean | |
inputText | The input text of the select input.string | |
closeOnSelect | If true, the select input will close on select.boolean | |
selectedOption | The selected option of the select input.SelectOptionProps | SelectOptionProps[] | |
autoFocus | If true, the select input will auto focus.boolean | |
className | The class name of the select input.string | |
activeClassName | The active class name of the select input.string | |
createable | If true, the select input is createable.boolean | |
filterable | If true, the select input is filterable.boolean | "async" | |
multiple | If true, the select input allows multiple selection.boolean | |
loading | If true, the select input is loading.boolean | |
reference | The reference of the select input.Ref<SelectInputRef> | |
placeholder | The placeholder of the select input.string | |
error | If true, the select input has an error.boolean | |
clearable | If true, the select input is clearable.boolean | |
refreshable | If true, the select input is refreshable.boolean | |
menuDisabled | If true, the select input menu is disabled.boolean | |
size | The size of the select input.string | |
theme | The theme of the select input.SelectTheme | |
closeIcon | The close icon of the select input.ReactNode | <CloseIcon /> |
refreshIcon | The refresh icon of the select input.ReactNode | <RefreshIcon /> |
expandIcon | The expand icon of the select input.ReactNode | <DownArrowIcon /> |
loadingIcon | The loading icon of the select input.ReactNode | <DotsLoader size="small" /> |
chip | The chip of the select input.ReactElement<SelectInputChipProps, FC<SelectInputChipProps>> | <SelectInputChip /> |
onSelectedChange | The function to handle selected change.(option: SelectValue) => void | |
onExpandClick | The function to handle expand click.(event: MouseEvent<Element, MouseEvent>) => void | |
onKeyDown | The function to handle key down.(event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | |
onKeyUp | The function to handle key up.(event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | |
onFocus | The function to handle focus.(event: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement, Element> | MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) => void | |
onBlur | The function to handle blur.(event: FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement, Element>) => void | |
onInputChange | The function to handle input change.(event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | |
onPaste | The function to handle input paste event.(event: ClipboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void | |
onRefresh | The function to handle refresh.() => void |
Prop | Description | Default |
option | The option to render as a chip.SelectOptionProps | |
maxLength | The maximum length of the chip.number | 20 |
className | Additional class names to apply to the chip.string | |
disabled | Whether the chip is disabled or not.boolean | |
clearable | Whether the chip is clearable or not.boolean | |
theme | Theme for the Select.SelectTheme | |
closeIcon | The close icon for the chip.ReactNode | <CloseIcon /> |
onTagKeyDown | Callback for when a key is pressed on the chip.(event: KeyboardEvent<HTMLSpanElement>, option: SelectOptionProps) => void | |
onSelectedChange | Callback for when the selected option changes.(option: SelectOptionProps) => void |
Design and Usability Tips
- Immediate Feedback: Provide visual cues for actions such as hovering, selection, and focusing, enhancing the user's interaction with the component.
- Keyboard Navigation: Support full keyboard navigation including arrow keys for option selection and Esc to close the dropdown, ensuring accessibility.